Dave White's Links To Reformed Theology, etc.
- Since I believe that Reformed theology is biblical Christianity in its purest and most consistent form, my primary intention with this page is to promote Calvinism. Nevertheless, I do include a few links to other Christian sites as well as some apologetics links.
Reformed Theology
- Calvin's Institutes
- Required reading for every serious student of Reformed theology
- Reformation Ink's Classic Documents Page
- This site has articles by Beza, Calvin, the Hodges, Kuyper, Luther, Machen, Warfield and more! Lots of great reading here.
- Reformation Documents
- Documents from the Reformation in English, Latin, & German.
- Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
- Articles, Creeds, Confessions, & Historic documents; all from a Reformed perspective.
- Grace Online Library
- Historic Baptist, Reformed, & Puritan Resources; A wealth of material here.
- The Evangelical Bishop: The J. C. Ryle Book Shelf
- The writings of J. C. Ryle are a gold mine of practical Calvinism. Ryle is probably the best noninspired source for instruction in personal holiness.
- Jonathan Edwards
- Here is what claims to be the largest Jonathan Edwards site on the web. If you've not read Edwards you have missed out on a real treat.
- Robert L. Dabney
- Some fine material by a Southern Presbyterian from the last century.
- Thomas Manton Home Page
- A site in progress featuring the writings of Thomas Manton, about whom J.C. Ryle said, "As an expositor of Scripture, I regard Manton with unmingled admiration."
- Kuyper's Lectures on Calvinism
- Abraham Kuyper's Stone Lectures.
- Abstract of Systematic Theology by James Petrigu Boyce
- A systematic theology by the founder of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Bible Sermons
- Free Reformed sermons available online in audio and text
format, with catalogue of sermons available on audio cassette. Most
sermons are preached by Rev. Maurice Roberts, Inverness.
- Geoff Thomas' Sermons
- Sermons by a Welsh Reformed Baptist.
- Puritan and Reformed Writings at Fire & Ice
- Another good resource of Puritan & Reformed writings
- The Westminster Presbyterian
- Here are some documents that I've not found anywhere else on the web. There is material on salvation, holiness, the church, worship, the sabbath, and other matters.
- Third Millennium Ministries
- This site provides "a strong, multilingual, Reformed, evangelical presence over the internet in order to minister to people in hard-to-reach areas, and in order to compete for the hearts and minds of the internet community." It contains materials produced by several RTS (Reformed Theological Seminary) profs and others and it is "closely affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America."
- Abate Not
- This site claims to be, "the most comprehensive Listing of Reformed Resources on the Internet." It provides links to numerous good sites.
- Reformed Web Sites
- A large, undifferentiated list of Reformed web sites.
- Reformed Web Sites 2
- Another large list of Reformed web sites.
- Sword and Shield's Links
- Yet more links to Reformed sites.
- Banner of Truth
- A great publisher of quality Reformed books. Be sure to check out their news and articles pages.
- Modern Reformation magazine
- A publication of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. This is the topical archive for out of print issues. This site is under construction after having moved.
- Here are a few documents that I highly recommend:
- What is Calvinism by B. B. Warfield
- A short article that defines Calvinism as true religion.
- Warfield's Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith
- A fine summary of Reformed theology.
- Creeds, Confessions & Catechisms
- Here is a convenient set of links to some important Creeds, Confessions, & Catechisms. I particularly recommend close study of the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort) and the Westminster Confession and Catechisms.
- The Canons of Dort
- The classic statement of the 5 points of Calvinism.
- 1689 London Confession of Faith
- This is the confession of faith which Reformed Baptists use as a summary of much of the Bible's theological teaching. If you are familiar with the Westminster Confession, you will recognize much of this. If you're allergic to 17th century language, here is the confession in contemporary English
- The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
- A carefully written statement affirming biblical inerrancy.
- The Cambridge Declaration
- Much of the evangelical church has capitulated to the world. This document is a call to repent and return to historic Protestantism.
- Packer's Intro. to Owen's Death of Death
- J. I. Packer's introduction to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ is a classic defense of the Five Points of Calvinism. This article shows that these five points are at the very heart of the gospel.
- "God Glorified in Man's Dependence" by Jonathan Edwards
- A noteworthy sermon which makes this point which Calvinists always insist upon: Sinners are totally dependent upon God for salvation.
- Reformation Needed Today
- An article by James Montgomery Boice reprinted in New Horizons that argues that evangelicalism, like liberalism in the past, has embraced worldliness and stands in dire need of reformation by God's Word.
- The Bible Doctrine of the Separated Life
- This article by Johannes G. Vos seeks to demonstrate the teaching of Scripture concerning the separated life. It provides a much needed correction to some erroneous teaching about separation.
- The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel
- What about "The Holy Land"? Does contemporary Israel have a divine right to modern day Palestine? This document offers a much needed corrective to some faulty theology on this question. Its full title is "An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel."
- Abuse of Authority in the Church
- Sadly, the elders of some churches abuse their authority. Here is an article by Pastor Steve Martin of Heritage Church (Reformed Baptist) in Georgia that addresses this topic.
My $.02 Worth
- My shift to covenant theology
- My college and seminary background is in dispensationalism, so why did I reject it and opt for covenant theology? This paper gives a few reasons.
Baptism from a Reformed Baptist Perspective
Many believe that Reformed Theology requires infant baptism. Since Reformed Baptists claim otherwise, I thought I should include a few links to articles that argue for believers' baptism from Reformed principles.
- Baptism and the Regulative Principle by Fred Malone
- A String of Pearls Unstrung by Fred Malone
- Baptism and Covenant Theology by Walt Chantry
- A Critical Evaluation of Paedobaptism by Greg Welty
- (In the interest of fairness here is a paedobaptist response to Welty's article. And, to round things out a bit more, here are articles by John Murray, and Charles Hodge, and B. B. Warfield that also defend infant baptism.)
- Reformed Apologetics
- Apologetics from a Van-Tillian perspective.
- The City of Augustine's Christian Apologists
- Another site with links to a variety of apologetic writings from various perspectives.
- Calvin on Scripture
- Was John Calvin a presuppositionalist? Read these chapters from the Institutes and judge for yourself.
More Theology
- The Hall of Church History: "Theology from a Bunch of Dead Guys"
- Phil Johnson maintains this site. It is an excellent resource for original source material from a variety of theological viewpoints throughout church history.
- Phil Johnson's Bookmarks
- A large and very helpful listing of links. Here you will find the good, the bad, & the ugly of Christian (only in name in some cases) web-sites.
- The ICLnet Home Page
- Internet Christian Library; a large number of links to all sorts of Christian literature.
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Tons of reading material here from a variety of Christian perspectives.
- Selected Works by Martin Luther
- Project Wittenberg's collection of Luther's works. Other Lutheran works are available here as well.
- The Threshold
- In the words of the introduction to this page, "this site is NOT an exhaustive Christian portal but is an attempt to direct the user to classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy." Overall this site is a gold mine of informative and helpful material. Most of the material is Reformed.
For some brief info about me go here.